Local Author Publishes Short Story Collection

Gordon Clarke has lived in and around Cha Am for 10 years – full-time for the last two years.

He is a banking technology professional in his working guise but is better known in these parts as a musician, singer and budding writer.

His short story collection “Someone Else’s Gods” was published by SilverWood books in the UK at the end of February 2022. Slightly Independent reviewers have said:
“In Someone Else’s Gods, Gordon Clarke offers us stories with exceptional appeal and variety. He carries us into speculations on the future or the nature of reality with superb verbal economy, a deliciously sharp sense of irony, the witty exposure of human foibles, and a continuous emphasis on perceptions and misperceptions. It is a delightful collection, to be enjoyed and savoured.”

“One of the strengths of Gordon Clarke’s collection of short stories is the great variety of styles and genres in which he is able to write. We are in turn amused, entertained, challenged, disturbed, fooled and informed, and I unhesitatingly commend Someone Else’s Gods.”

“Each of these stories is beautifully written. In just a few short pages, each one captures an entire world, a universe of ideas, spanning everything from human relationships to quantum physics. There is a recurring theme of deception, often revealed in a one-sentence plot twist. The writing is sparse and concise, yet poetic and evocative.”

If you would like to experience sixteen imaginative stories that get right to the heart of things, go to SilverWoodbooks.co.uk or search on Amazon.com for “Someone Else’s Gods”, where paperback and Kindle editions are available. A whole world of magical realism awaits you.

Or just ask Gordon for a copy – text 08 7010 7702 – 500 Baht at mates’ rates.